Bookmyshow and Visa have come up with an offer where you can get tickets for just Re. 1. All you have to do is to use your existing Visa Debit Card to book your tickets at Book My Show to be eligible for this offer. This offer of Rs. 1 is applicable only for the second ticket booked. Also the lucky winner/winners will win movie tickets for the entire year for free. Also not so lucky to get movie tickets at Re. 1, you can still get 20% discount on the tickets that you purchase at Bookmyshow.com.
Offer Details:
If you are booking movie tickets at Bookmyshow, then you should use your Visa Debit Card to do so and the second movie ticket can be brought just for Re. 1. The first ticket you will need to pay at the regular rate and the second one would cost you just Re.1. This is also only for the first 200 people to book their ticket using Visa Debit Card at Bookmyshow.com. So, only the early birds can avail it. The next 2000 to book tickets will get an assured and flat 20% discount on their second ticket.
Availing the Offer:
Just select the movie you want to watch and then select the option at the payment page which says Visa Debit Card Offer. Then enter your debit card details to finish the purchase. You will need to book early for the day to make sure that you are the first 200 to get this offer.
This is an excellent offer as you get two movie tickets at the price of one, literally or in other words. Also remember that this offer is valid throughout this year and can make use of it every time that buys movie tickets online and that can be made via Bookmyshow to save money on the second ticket.
This offer is valid only for the Visa Debit Card holders. No other offers can be combined with this existing offer from Visa at Book My Show. Also the lucky winners will be selected by them to win movie tickets for the one full year.
This offer is valid till December 31, 2010. Read all the offer details and terms and conditions associated with it here.
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